Posts Tagged ‘automated machine’

Positive Displacement Pumps Are Used in Industry

Tuesday, May 29th, 2018

    Last time we learned that the human heart functions as the greatest of all positive displacement pumps, moving a set quantity of blood through it at precise intervals during its operating cycle.   Today we’ll begin our exploration into how positive displacement pumps are used in industry, specifically within a food manufacturing plant.

    At one point in my career I was employed as a design engineer in a food manufacturing plant.   The plant was owned by the leading manufacturer of bakery products in the United States, responsible for supplying restaurants, bakeries, and grocery stores with finished and partially finished pastry goods that they would then resell.   The plant produced vast amounts of puff pastry dough products, all of which were formed and filled with various fillings while zipping along on a production line conveyor belt.   One of the products was a fruit filled pastry in which the belt moved so quickly, depositing fruit fillings into the dough by hand would be impossible, resulting in a frenzied mess similar to what Lucy encountered when she worked in a candy factory.

    Clearly, an automated machine would work better in this and other scenarios.   We’ll see how one known as a depositor functions on a food pastry line next time.

Copyright 2018 – Philip J. O’Keefe, PE

Engineering Expert Witness Blog
