Posts Tagged ‘electrical engineering expert witness’

Joule’s Experiment With Electricity

Friday, October 16th, 2015

      In my work as an engineering expert I’ve dealt with all forms of energy, just as we’ve watched James Prescott Joule do.   He constructed his Joule Apparatus specifically to demonstrate the connection between different forms of energy.   Today we’ll see how he furthered his discoveries by building a prototype power plant capable of producing electricity, a device which came to be known as Joule’s Experiment With Electricity.

Joule's Experiment With Electricity

Joule’s Experiment With Electricity

      As the son of a wealthy brewer, Joule had been fascinated by electricity and the possibility of using it to power his family’s brewery and thereby boost production.   To explore the possibilities, he went beyond the Apparatus he had built earlier and built a device which utilized electricity to power its components.   The setup for Joule’s experiment with electricity is shown here.

      Coal was used to bring water inside a boiler to boiling point, which produced steam.   The steam’s heat energy then flowed to a steam engine, which in turn spun a dynamo, a type of electrical generator.

      Tracing the device’s energy conversions back to their roots, we see that chemical energy contained within coal was converted into heat energy when the coal was burned.   Heat energy from the burning coal caused the water inside the boiler to rise, producing steam.   The steam, which contained abundant amounts of heat energy, was supplied to a steam engine, which then converted the steam’s heat energy into mechanical energy to set the engine’s parts into motion.   The engine’s moving parts were coupled to a dynamo by a drive belt, which in turn caused the dynamo to spin.

      Next time we’ll take a look inside the dynamo and see how it created electricity and led to another of Joule’s discoveries being named after him.

Copyright 2015 – Philip J. O’Keefe, PE

Engineering Expert Witness Blog


Optical Rangefinders, Bigger is More Accurate

Tuesday, April 14th, 2015

      Last time we touched on the fact that bigger is better when it comes to using a rangefinder to measure extremely long distances.   Today we’ll expand on that theme and discover how bigger is indeed more accurate.

      Returning to our previous example, we’re still trying to find the distance to that ship on the horizon.   We’ve got two rangefinders at our disposal, one short, one long, and the measurements provided by them are vastly different.   Which is correct?   To find out, we’ll hypothesize that we’ve taken the time to meticulously measure the distance the hard way, with a really long tape measure.   Doing so, we find the actual distance to the ship is 5280 feet.

      We can now compare the actual measured distance to the measurements taken with our two rangefinders and compare their accuracy:

Rangefinder One = 5729 feet – 5280 feet = 449 feet

Rangefinder Two = 5208 feet – 5280 feet = -72 feet

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      The smaller rangefinder results in a difference, or error, of 449 feet, while the bigger results in a difference of 72 feet.   It’s clear that the bigger rangefinder gets us closer to the actual measurement taken by tape measure, so it’s the most accurate.

electrical engineering expert witness

      The obvious conclusion is that the bigger the rangefinder used, the smaller the error factor.  That’s because as the length of the rangefinder increases, the smaller the angle θ becomes, a situation which results in the tangent of θ moving farther away from rather than closer to 90°, all of which translates to more accuracy in our rangefinder’s measurements.  Put another way, the bigger the rangefinder, the less likelihood there is of its angle θ‘s tangent hovering near 90° and becoming asymptotic, an undesirable outcome for reasons explained in a previous blog in this series.

      Next time we’ll see how early astronomers were able to arrive at relatively accurate calculations of the distances between Earth and other heavenly bodies by using the parallax effect produced by the world’s largest optical rangefinder, Planet Earth itself.
